2011 (February 2011) – Sossusvlei. It looks and sounds like a
nonsense word. The more I say it the more ridiculous it becomes. The
‘-vlei’ rhymes with ‘way’. Need remedial help? Go here.
I did. It is a name worthy of Dr. Seuss himself and would blend
marvelously in the pages of one of his books. Roughly
translated ‘Sossusvlei’ signifies something along the lines of
‘dead end marsh’. Rarely does the Tsauchab River accumulate
sufficient capacity and thrust to inundate the area but it does
occur. Thankfully, we were fortunate enough to be
present at such a time.
early rise. Another cup of Nescafe Espresso. I can almost smell the
instant coffee now. Unfortunately, the park staffers were late
arrivals so we missed the sunrise but we still made it to the
temporary lakes of Sossusvlei in time for the color spectacle.
I was hoping we would have the place to ourselves but, alas, those
with their own 4wds beat us to the punch. Fiddlesticks. No matter, it
was still a sight to behold and worth every moment spent absorbing
negotiating the lagoons I made my way up the nearest dune. The most
visually appealing route turned out to be the least expedient and
sapped a fair amount of my strength. Dune slogging may be the perfect
cardio workout although the apparatus may a bit difficult to come by.
Once atop my sandy perch I soon forgot the effort it took to arrive
there. What a view. My awe soon turned to laughter, however, when I
noticed some unfortunates following my footsteps through the sand.
They must have assumed I’d taken the easiest route. You know what
happens when you assume. They never made it. Poor bastards.
used my last opportunity to skip down the side of a dune wisely. With
video camera in hand I bounced my way groundward with childish
exuberance all the while singing my adaptation Tom Petty’s
song, Running Down a
There are worse ways to spend a morning.
After we’d garnered our fill of Sossusvlei it was time to leave the Namib behind. Never have I seen such a place. I doubt I shall ever see another like it. It is the desert of Hollywood imagination and deservedly so. Life is all about timing. Who knows, had I arrived at a different time perhaps the aura surrounding the place would have been less enchanting. Then again…
Sesriem we headed northwest to Swakopmund via Walvis Bay through the
northern sector of Namib-Naukluft National Park. As we floated
once again through the endless expanse of nothingness a sudden
violent jerk of the wheel on my part spared the life of a familiar
friend. For some reason Carmy the Chameleon decided to sport a bright
yellow coat of arms at a most opportune moment catching my eye and
thereby saving his shape-shifting little ass. We turned around for a
closer look and gawked at our mystical little friend for about
fifteen minutes. He was an ornery little misfit but a short camera
molestation was the least he could endure in exchange for my split
second reflexes.
far from Walvis Bay the scenery morphed once again and became even
more nothing than nothing was before. Never in my travels have I seen
such a variety of nothing. So many shades of nothing in this world. I
guess it is true, even nothing is something. Okay, that’s
ridiculous but it does have a nice existential ring to it, no?
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Photo by Leslie |
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Photo by Leslie |
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